February 5, 2023

Formed in the Spirit

Scriptures: I Corinthians 2:1-16; Isaiah 58:1-12; Psalm 112:1-10; Matthew 5:13-20; Doctrine and Covenants 165:5a


Song of Preparation:

"Breathe on Me Breath of God" CCS 190



Call to Worship:

Isaiah 58:11

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

Scripture Reading:

I Corinthians 11:23-26



"Here at Thy Table Lord" CCS 517

Communion Sermon    Randy Diehl

Christ's Table

The prayers are offered and the emblems served, and we have often taken this for granted on the first Sunday of each month. During our moments of separation, we can video chat so that each person/family can partake in the safety of their homes. Please contact the pastor to set this up.

Disciples Generous Response

Prayer for Peace

Scripture Reading:

I Corinthians 2:1-16

A Poetic Response:

One Fervent Prayer an excerpt

Closing Hymn:

"All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name" CCS 105

Sending Forth:

Doctrine and Covenants 165:5a, adapted



Congregation website   https://www.vasaint.org/